Sunday 17 December 2017

A Word Once Spoken Is Past Recalling

Hub and I both work full time. We split the house chores as well as we can. As for keeping the house clean, I only have two floors, hence that is easy to touch up every day with general cleaning done over the weekend. Basically, we just do what needs to be done. I couldn't imagine not sharing the work at home. I believe that it's team work. I know that a lot of people don’t feel that way. Well...what works for some may not work for others.

But I like cooking--a lot! Cooking doesn't feel like a chore to me. It is something I enjoy and it is something I am good at. But Hub doesn't complain at all. Hub understands that I'm tired too and will consider delicious even a simple omelette. I prefer to cook from scratch because I know what is in my food. It's healthier and cheaper too. We might eat out 2-3 times a month but all other meals are mine and his responsibility.

Hub got me this, a few days ago. My life may not be perfect but I am truly blessed to have so many great things in my life. I don’t have everything I want but I do have all I need. I am thankful to Allah for everything.

My late father once told me, after I got married, “You married him and now he’s your problem so if you don’t like something he does then tell him, not me and certainly not anyone else because it’ll just hurt your marriage and make other people think badly about him and your whole marriage will break down. There’s nothing more heart breaking than knowing someone you love think so low of you.”

So when a friend complained about his significant other, I was like -- oh my goodness no one should ever do this to a woman he claimed to love.  He has no respect for the wife whatsoever! Hello, what is happening, gossiping used to be a preserve of women.  However, many women would rather die than spill the dirt on her man. It’s not just “my spouse snores” kind of thing. They’re actually small exasperation which had built up over time. He told us about how lazy his wife was when it came to managing their household and all the private stuff that should be reserved for him and his wife to work out in the privacy of his own home. Bashing the woman he lives with, the one he has to sleep with and share a bed with. Oh pleaseeee..never sh*t where you eat. He refuses to talk to his wife about their relationship problems and instead share his frustrations with friends. No one is perfect and everyone has their own set of problems but they should try to work through things together. It's not fair to portray his wife so negatively to friends. He's not giving his wife a chance to defend herself. What happens if she finds out he's been talking bad about her behind her back? He's betrayed his wife and she's forever humiliated. I feel sorry for the wife. To the husband I say… you are a complete idiot for dishonouring the woman who is now an extension of yourself. Grow up! Spare the public the dirty linen. Learn to make some better decisions because at the end of the day, maybe the problem…is YOU.

This post is not directed at anyone in particular so should anyone be offended by it, you know what they say -- if the shoe fits then lace that bitch up and wear it!!

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