Thursday 18 January 2018

Belunu or Bundu

It is the fruit heaven again in Sabah currently. Fruiting season is usually between July to September and December to January. This is when the village folk get to earn extra for selling durian, rambutan, langsat, mangosteen and jackfruit.

In this corner of the world, we call this fruit, belunu or bundu. I bought this in Tenom that day. Bought three and gave one to my sister. OMG...this is my favourite fruit!

This very hard to find and the most sought-after fruit looks like mango but tastes like soursop. It is very sweet, juicy and fleshy. This indigenous fruit is in season from December until January.

It is native to Sabah just like bambangan. We also have a few belunu trees behind my mother’s house. In fact, my village was named after this fruit.  But sadly, after an absurd family dispute a few years ago, the trees just stop to bear fruit anymore. The belunu tree can grow really tall.  Do be careful though because if you eat it too much, you might get a slight ‘kick’ out of it. We prefer to eat it when the flesh is still hard. Belunu tree is a very heavy bearer and a single tree can produce hundreds of fruits. For those who never try it, do give it a shot.

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