Thursday 2 November 2017

Crème Caramel Pudding

Remembering my grandmother.

It’s All Souls Day again, today it has been almost 20 years without her and each year I miss her more and more.  I miss the sound of her voice and her smell. I really wish I could hug her right now. Not a day goes by when I don’t imagine what life would be like had she not died.

She’s not here anymore and I don’t get to do anything exciting for her. I will never forget the day when I was told that she had gone away. She’s like a rock to me. Her warm memories are still fresh in my mind. 

The thing which I always regrets the most is I forgot to thank her for giving me colourful childhood memories. She was the strongest woman I have ever known. During her last years, she went through a tough time and it really hurt me to watch her slowly dying and fading away from my life. She suffered a lot which sometimes I felt bad about it. She was not worth every single pain she went through. I lost the most amazing woman, a devoted grandmother who loved grandfather more than her life. I can still picture her sadly waiving to me every time I go   home when the holiday was over.

Dear granny,
I wish you’re here to talk to me. I wish I could tell you about my life and my passions. I wish you could meet my husband and children and give me good parental advice. I want to tell you how proud I am of my children and how the thought of you watching over me keeps me going. I also want you to know that mama is doing great. Thank you, granny. Thank you for your love. Thank you for the memories. Thank you for encouraging me to be the best person I can be and to do the best I can in everything I wish to achieve. You’re all I have while growing up and thank you for being my best friend.

Mostly, thank you for being my grandmother. I love you.

Until we meet again.

This recipe yields 20 puddings. Creamy, rich and sweet with oozing caramel sauce -- what is there not to love about this crème caramel? 

Crème Caramel Pudding
Adapted from Azie Kitchen


1 (397g) can of sweetened condensed milk
1 (345ml) can of evaporated milk
1 can of water (use the can of the sweetened condensed milk)
5 - 6 whole eggs
½ tsp vanilla extract

The caramel

1½ cup white sugar
3 cups water


Place the sugar in a small pan on a medium heat until the sugar turns brown. As soon as it starts to bubble, carefully add the water. The caramel may spit slightly and it will be hot. 

Bring to a simmer until it is completely melted and combined then turn off the heat. Cool completely and refrigerate it overnight. 

Pour the caramel evenly into 20 small clear round sauce cups.

Preheat the steamer.

Remove the eggs’ eyes and beat it lightly.  Add the rest of the ingredients and lightly whisk it to avoid air bubbles in the mixture.

Sieve the mixture to remove any bits of cooked egg lumps. Pour the mixture into the prepared cups containing the caramel. Cover all the cups with cling wrap individually to prevent water from dripping onto the surface of the flan.

Steam it for 10 - 15 minutes or until cooked.

Once done, let it cool down completely before placing them into the fridge for a minimum of 2 – 3 hours. It is best to leave them overnight in the fridge.

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