Saturday 7 October 2017


This is the EASIEST recipe you will ever make and totally worth the little work that goes into it. I’ve lost track of how many times I have made these doughnut in the last few weeks.  Let’s just say it’s been a lot.



500gm all-purpose flour
½ tsp salt
¼ cup castor sugar
75ml cooking oil
11gm dry yeast
¼ cup lukewarm Water
Plain water


Sift the flour and set aside.

In a small jug, stir together the lukewarm water, sugar and yeast. Let stand for 5 minutes until yeast activates. It will become foamy and start expanding.

In a large bowl combine the flour, salt and oil.

Once the yeast has activated, add the yeast mixture to the dry ingredients. In a mixer with a dough hook, mix and knead everything together and add a little water at a time until the dough pulls away from the side of the bowl. If the dough is too dry, add a little bit of water. If it is too soft, add just a little bit of flour.

Divide the dough into small balls each weighing 50 grams. Place on a floured surface and repeat with the remaining dough. Then gently roll out to 1/2 inch thickness. Cut with a floured doughnut cutter and remove the holes. Transfer it to a lightly-floured tray. Don't throw out the centres. Re-roll them to make more doughnuts.

Heat the oil in a deep pan. Test with a wooden spoon, when the oil bubbles around the spoon, it's ready.

Gently lower the doughnuts one at a time into the hot oil, in batches of three or four and fry for 3-5 minutes or until golden-brown then carefully turn over as they rise to the surface. Remove from the hot oil and drain on kitchen paper.

Put castor sugar on a tray, transfer the doughnut to the sugar and turn to coat. Repeat with the remaining doughnut. Alternatively, melt cooking chocolate in a microwave. Remove and stir. Dip doughnuts in glaze and let it drip on the rack.


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